We are an International Engineering and consulting Company, We support our clients globally across the Energy, Industry and Infrastructure sectors


  • Design and support for Construction & Commissioning  of HVAC systems in normal operation and incidental/accidental environments
  • Contamination, Radiological (HEPA/Carbon Filters, Biological protection, etc)
  • Fire, pressure cascade, explosion, etc (Fire dampers, fans, relieve panels, isolation valves, etc)
  • EMC (ElectroMagnetic Compatibility) compliancy
  • Compliancy with RCC-M/RCC-E
  • Proposal of optimized HVAC Design in accordance with H&S, Budget and schedule
  • Training
  • Documentation


EPR OL3 Finland

  • Provide basis and detail Design of HVAC systems in accordance with nuclear safety rules, H&S, ISO standards, local regulations
  • Provide HVAC calculation notes: thermal balance, room conditions, airflow 
  • Carry out and validate HVAC thermal simulation in buildings: CFDs, dynamic simulation ThBat
  • Carry out and validation of HVAC P&IDs , 2D drawings, 3D model implementation & clashes resolution (PDMS, CATIA, NavisWork)
  • Manage the integration of technical changes according to the project reference configuration
  • Design and specification of HVAC equipment (AHUs, Fans, dampers, filters, static confinement components, coils, ductwork and supports, etc)
  • Coordination of interfaces with other disciplines: civil work, layout, piping, electrical, I&C
  • Check and validation of HVAC equipment according to requirement (RCCM, RCCE, EMC, KTA, etc.)
  • Issuing of component data sheets 
  • Creating various reports, e.g. room condition report, system description, functional description
  • Component selection 
  • As-built documentation

EPR Flammanville 3

Scope of work : 

– Basic and detail design of HVAC systems in NI area: Safeguard, Fuel, Reactor, Nuclear auxiliary building and also Diesel building

– Designing and determining HVAC components Sizing (fans, coils, heaters, filter, dampers…)

– Checking duct routing and components in 3D model and 2D drawings

ITER France

Scope of work : 

– HVAC Basic and detail designs leading for nuclear and auxiliary buildings in conformity with client requirements (Nuclear safety, EMC, Seism, radiological protection, air contamination)

– Validation of P&IDs, layouts and 3D drawings

– Subcontractors qualification and contracts follow up

– Technical changes and deviations clarification and final implementation based on contract configuration

– Technical review and validation meeting with client


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